I didn't use much for coupons this past week, because I was sick and wasn't up for planning a shopping trip. Thankfully, I am stocked on tissues, tea, vitamin C, cough drops and cold medicine, so I didn't need to purchase anything related to my cold.
We just picked up a few things to get us through the week:
5 1/2 lbs. skinless, boneless chicken breasts
5 lbs. ground beef
1 lb. breakfast sausage
5 lbs. McIntosh Apples (my very favorite apples at $.99 lb - we try to buy fruit in season, because it is cheaper and delicious!)
1/2 lb. mushrooms
16 oz. sour cream
1 can refried beans
1 pack Annie's mac and cheese (used a coupon on this!)
1 large bag animal crackers (my boys love these crackers)
Purchased for the Operation Christmas Child boxes:
2 recorders
1 yo-yo
1 toy dinosaur
1 bouncy ball
1 jump rope
Total for everything, including tax, was $50.08. I am always amazed at how LITTLE can be purchased with $50 if you don't use coupons! I am happy about the meat and fruit purchased this week, though, and I did still manage to only spend my $50 budget. Having a stockpile means I can take a week off from couponing and still feed my family without spending too much. :)
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