Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Letter "S" - Shopping with Children

It can be challenging shopping with little kids (mine are 4 and 2), but it can also be a great learning experience if you know how to include them. For example, as we went through the store this week, we tried to spot the letter “S” and (as we put the sausage and soup in the cart) we talked about how they both start with the letter “S”. By the time we left the store, my four year old was thinking up words that ended in “S”, too! Like the birds (“bird, bird” my two year old yelled out) that were flying around the parking lot. Make your kids a part of the shopping trip. Have them count out the number of items you need to purchase. Let them pick out the varieties/flavors they would like.

Yes, it would probably be easier to run, quick through the store by yourself (and hand the coupons over to the cashier yourself), but then again… it isn’t just about the savings. It’s about passing the gift of couponing down to your children. Teaching them how to be good stewards of what the Lord blesses them with and about including them in all the wonderful things we learn along the way.

"S" is for savings and stewardship, too! :) What a great letter!

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