Okay, so last week I didn’t save much on my groceries, but I still was able to keep within my $50 budget because of my stockpile. This week was a totally different story – I got some amazing deals! Plus, as a little bonus, I got some of my mail in rebates back for a total worth of $23.99. As you may remember, I did NOT calculate the value of my mail in rebates when I purchased the qualifying items (just acted as if they didn’t exist), so I have calculated them in this week like any other coupon. I used coupons to purchase the qualifying items also, so items were free even before rebate. Free money in my mailbox! So, as a little treat to ourselves, we bought rib eye steaks with some of my MIR money.
Total value: $722.37 (yes, my calculations are correct – I double checked)
Total out of pocket, including tax, minus mail in rebate money received this week: $48.39
Just thought you might like to know - total value of coupons used, not including ECB from CVS and RR from Walgreens used on purchases: $414.75! (I can’t believe I used over four hundred dollars worth of coupons this week. Krazy, right?!)
Items in first picture:
8 (3.5 lb) bags Purina dog food (ended up costing less than $6, including tax, for all 8 bags)
4 Apple and Eve juice
4 (12oz.) bags Caribou coffee (So fun trying new things - husband now loves this coffee!)
2 (12oz.) honey bears
8 Airwick candles (rain check)
2 spices, 100% organic (basil, cumin)
4 (32oz) bags Tyson chicken wings
10 bottles sparking water
5 Dawn dish soap
2 kid’s lawn chairs (clearance at CVS - $1.75 each)
8 (2ct.) Pillsbury frozen breakfast sandwiches
4 packs Skittles (more candy for Operation Christmas Child boxes)
4 packs Starbursts
10 Cover Girl face products
4 Reach toothbrushes
3 garden tools (clearance at Dollar General - $.10 each)
18 Reach floss (donated to church for Operation Christmas Child boxes)
2 flashlights
3 trial size Old Spice body wash
1 (30ct.) Zyrtec (not a very good price, but had to have it so I used ECB at CVS)
Second picture:
6 Caribou coffee
3 Planters cashews
2 packs Chips Ahoy cookies (gave one to family)
2 (4 lb.) bags sugar
16 bottles vitamins (2-3 of each kind and purchased on separate shopping trips – no shelf clearing. I will be donating at least 1 of each kind to a local ministry and food pantry.)
5 cans cream of mushroom soup (one already used)
2 cans organic tomato paste
6 T.G.I. Friday fajita dinners (I like to use these as a base and add some of my own ingredients)
2 (30oz.) Kraft mayo (gave one to family)
1 loaf whole wheat bread (mostly eaten!)
2 (10ct.) packs pens
1 travel size Tide detergent
1 toy sword (50% off original price)
4 bags Ricola cough drops (one already used – still getting over my cold)
1 box shark fruit snacks
12 Reach floss
4 Lumene face products
1 Illy iced coffee
1 lb. butter
2 Smart Balance Milk (traded the cookies and mayo for the milk – value of milk not included in totals)
2 packs frozen broccoli
1 lb. turkey, sliced
6 birthday cards
Not pictured, but include in totals:
2 (1 lb. each) rib eye steaks
2 ½ lbs. bananas
2 packs Cover Girl face make-up pads
1 bag toy bats (my 4 yr. old thinks these are so cool and they were 50% off!)