Total before sales and coupons: $465.91
Total paid, including tax: $55.13
17 Frosted Mini Wheats
2 Honey Bunches of Oats
1 Krave, cereal (excited to try this new cereal)
1 Fruit Loops
1 Apple Jacks
1 Quaker oatmeal (wasn't on sale, but my little ones LOVE oatmeal with strawberries)
1 grits
1 loaf italian bread
4 mac and cheese
2 bags marshmallows (won't be cold enough for campfires much longer, so we have to make them special with roasted marshmallows, right?!)
6 Kettle Brand chips
8 Uncle Ben's rice
2 cream of mushroom soup
6 (28 oz.) Hunts diced tomatoes (will use these larger cans to make homemade marinara sauce)
5 (6 0z.) Hunts tomato paste
1 Hurst bean soup
1 (5 pack) Ramen noodles (not part of my shopping list, but my boys asked very nicely if they could please have "Oodle Noodles", as they call them)
12 cans Green Giant vegetables
1 honey bear
4 Enfamil (will be donated)
15 Sundown vitamins (B6 and Folic Acid - purchased at multiple stores on multiple shopping trips. NO shelf clearing - one store had over 25 bottles of the B6 on the shelf.)
6 Cover Girl nail clippers (no matter how many nail clippers I buy, they always seem to vanish... I think they run away with our socks!)
4 Cover Girl nail files
6 (5 lb.) Science Diet dog food
6 Science Diet dog treats
2 energy star light bulb (on clearance - two lights in our house had just gone out, so the timing couldn't have been better for these to clearance... plus I had a coupon!)
2 pkgs. seeds, green beans
5 lbs. strawberries (I love this time of year when the local strawberries are so cheap)
3 lbs. apples
3 lbs. oranges
1 lb. asparagus
6 (4 ct.) Yoplait kid's yogurt
2 Kraft sliced cheese
3 dozen eggs (free after coupon wyb Kellogg's cereal)
1 ricotta
4 Hot Pockets Snackers
11 lbs. chicken quarters (this will make several meals - BBQ chicken, fried chicken, chicken soup, chicken salad and maybe even a chicken casserole)